Critical Care
Critical care is a crucial medical specialty caring for patients who are critically ill. The critical care medicine department at our hospital is a combination of many specialties and technologies, offering the possibility of survival for acutely ill patients.
Our 24-hour intensive care unit includes multidisciplinary ICUS as well as ICUS dedicated to post cardiac surgery patients, stroke patients, post-transplant patients, as well as special ICUs for neonates and pediatric cases.
Well maintained wards with high-precision monitoring devices and a team of extremely dedicated critical care professionals are committed to extending personalized care for your complete well-being.
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Fascio Maxilliary
At Sareen Hospital, Maxillofacial Surgery is a dedicated department concerned with managing and treating defects and injuries of the face, jaws, head and neck along with the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.
Our experts help diagnose, treat and cure a broad range of conditions which may arise in maxillofacial region. Our team of experts are highly experienced in handling any road traffic accidents (RTA) cases involving maxillofacial surgeries.
Cases of polytrauma often have associated injuries of the facial bones and teeth. Facial bone injuries include soft tissue injuries, fractures of the maxilla, mandible, zygoma, nasal bones, temporomandibular joint trauma, frontal & maxillary sinuses.Such cases along with pathological conditions like cysts & tumors of the jaw, fascial spaces infections, congenital deformities of the face in the form of cleft lip and palate associated syndromic cases are deftly managed by our department.
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Welcome to the Department of Anaesthesiology, Pain medicine and Surgical Intensive Care at Sareen Hospital. Our mission is to deliver state-of-the art, excellent anaesthesia services, pain management and intensive care in the perioperative setting. The department is committed to place the interests of the patients as its paramount concern. The adoption of newer technology with a human touch has propelled us to reach greater heights.The foundation of this department is the clinical skill of our anesthesiologists who have received training and accomplishments from the best institutes around the world. Services provided also include preoperative checkups and post-operative pain management team and a critical care team.
General anesthesia
- General anesthesia is a treatment that renders you unconscious during medical procedures, so you don't feel or remember anything during the procedures. General anesthesia is commonly produced by a combination of intravenous drugs and inhaled gasses (anesthetics).
- The "sleep" you experience under general anesthesia is different from regular sleep. The anesthetized brain doesn't respond to pain signals or surgical manipulations.
- The practice of general anesthesia also includes controlling your breathing and monitoring your body's vital functions during your procedure. General anesthesia is administered by a specially trained physician, called an anesthesiologist. Well-trained staff and availability of latest technology makes this as one of the safest places to get an anesthesia.
- Electronic PCA (patient controlled analgesia)
- Disposable PCA device
- Continuous epidural analgesia
- Regional Nerve blocks
- Oral, intramuscular and intravenous pain killers
- General Anesthesia – Patient is not conscious
- Regional Anesthesia – Local anesthetic is injected by anesthesiologist to provide numbness in certain part of body. This could be used for pain control during/after procedure. MAC (Monitored Anesthesia Care) – Monitoring care of vitals during a procedure, may involve sedation if necessary.
- The anesthesiologist will meet the patient prior to the surgery and discuss the medical history, lab results and anesthesia plan. In the O.T a member of the anesthesia care will be with the patient throughout the procedure. After the procedure patient will be moved to the recovery room and a nurse will monitor the patient and provide medication to minimize pain, nausea and vomiting as needed. Then the patient will be discharged from recovery room on advice by anesthetist when he is stable and comfortable.
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Plastic Surgery
The department of Plastic Surgery is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and the consultants have a wide experience in carrying out all types of surgeries viz. reconstructive, micro-vascular and cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, all plastic surgery is not cosmetic.
Services Provided
- Cleft lip and Palate,
- Hand trauma including facial bone fixations and soft tissue repairs.
- Burns- both acute and old burn scars and contractures.
- Cancer reconstruction, Bedsores and other skin replacement procedures.
- Pure Cosmetic surgery, like breast augmentation and reduction, face lift blepharoplasty, scar revisions, hair transplants.
- Re-implantations and other Micro vascular, Micro neural and composite tissue transfers.
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Orthopaedics & Rheumatology
The Orthopaedics team at Sareen Hospital diagnose, manage, and surgically treat a large variety of orthopedic problems. The orthopaedist will perform a thorough history and physical examination. Other diagnostic modalities may be used to diagnose the patient's problem. These studies include X-ray, MRI, CT, bone scan, and bone densitometry.
The areas of orthopaedic care offered at Sareen Hospital include total joint replacement, hand and upper extremity, spine including surgical and non-surgical intervention (spinal injections and nerve blocks), sports medicine, arthroscopy, foot and ankle, shoulder and elbow, as well as trauma and general orthopaedic problems. Multiple modalities of treatment are utilized by our treating physicians including physical therapy, injections, medications, and surgery when indicated.
The following is a list of common orthopaedic problems that are successfully treated at Sareen Hospital:
- Arthritis of the hip and knee
- Meniscal tears of the knee
- Torn ACL and other knee ligaments
- Arthritis of the shoulder and elbow
- Rotator cuff tears
- Shoulder impingement and tendonitis
- Cervical and Lumbar spine disorders - including ruptured discs and spinal stenosis
- Degenerative Disease of the spine
- Bunions
- Claw and Mallet toes
- Arthritis of the foot and ankle
- Carpal tunnel
- Fractures of the hand, wrist, arm, hip, leg, ankle, and foot
Joint Replacement Surgeries
Sareen Hospital is the pioneer in Joint Replacement Surgery performing successful Hip Replacements & Knee Replacement Surgeries and Revision Surgeries with excellent outcomes.
Sareen Hospital is also a leading practitioner of Revision Surgery for Joint Replacement in India. This is a specialization that requires a high degree of planning, customized components and surgical skills. Patients from all over region come to Sareen Hospital for these specialist surgeries.
The specialized Surgeries performed at Sareen Hospital

If the rate of distraction is too slow, premature consolidation may occur (the bone may consolidate too soon), preventing the lengthening device from further pulling it apart. The lengthening devices used could be external fixators or those that are fully implanted inside the bone.
There are two phases of lengthening until the bone is fully healed: the distraction phase and the consolidation phase. The former is the lengthening phase. After the desired length is obtained, the newly regenerated bone is still very weak because of lack of calcium within it. The hardening and calcification of this new bone is called the consolidation phase.
- Computer Integrated Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement surgery.
- Total Hip Replacement and Articular Surface Replacement
- Total Shoulder Replacement and Revision surgery
- Spinal surgery and spinal deformity correction surgery
- Stabilization & Fusion Spinal Surgeries
- Spinal De-compressioning
- Arthroscopic Surgeries
- Disc excision and Disc Replacement
- Limb lengthening
- Internal fixation of multiple fractures with nails & plates.
- Oral & Maxillo-facial surgery
- Flexible nailing in children under C ARM
- Adult Nailing
- Russian Fixator for Compound & Comminuted Fractures
- Revision Surgeries
- Spine Surgeries - Lumbar & Cervical Laminectomy, Lumbar Discectomy, LS Fixations for Fracture Spine
- Microdiscectomies for disc prolapse, excision of spinal cord tumours, repair of spinal birth defects. Artificial Cervical Disc replacement has been recently started.
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This is a well equipped, modern and comprehensive department which has evolved over the years to provide state of the art services for the treatment of the diseases of Brain, Spine and Peripheral Nervous System. We have a team of Senior, skilled neurosurgeons with extensive experience and expertise providing patient focussed approach at affordable cost.
We handle all elective and emergency brain and spine surgery cases..
- Microsurgery for brain tumours, we use stereotaxyand navigation system to ensure precision and safety of patient.
- Head trauma management and surgery. Head injury cases continues to form a substantial number of all neurosurgical admissions. We have a well equipped I.C.U and good support of all other specialities so Holy Family Hospital is considered a major referral hospital for multi trauma patients.
- Surgery for Brain haemorrhage and Stroke. These are critical, life saving Surgeries and our team works in close association with Neurologist & intensivist.
- Endoscopic Brain Surgery is relatively new and evolving sub speciality. Endoscopic pituitary tumour surgery is most commonly performed surgery. Endoscopic surgeries are less invasive, minimal blood loss with less discomfort to patient.
We work in close association with ENT Surgeons.
- Paediatric age group brain operations like brain tumour surgery, surgery for hydrocephalous, encephalocele and other congenital (by Birth) brain anomalies.
- Neurovascular Surgery includes operation for aneurysm and A.V.M. Now-a-days many patients can be treated without operation by coiling, stenting and ballooning. However, a small number of patients my need operative intervention like clipping.
- Functional Neurosurgical procedures:
• Radio frequency ablation for trigeminal neuralgia (severe facial pain)
• D.B.S (Deep Brain Stimulation) for Parkinsonism, Dystonia
• Implantation of Baclofen pump for severe spasticity of limbs.
- Micro Surgery for Lumbar and Cervical disc prolapse. Low back and neck pain is a major life style problem. Most of the patients (95% - 98%) can be treated by a short course of medication, Physiotherapy and life style changes. However, a small number of patients may need surgical intervention. Micro Surgical procedure ensures short hospital stay, least discomfort to patient and early return to normal activity.
- Spinal Instrumentation Surgery for Cervical and Lumbar instability.
- Micro Surgery for Spinal Cord Tumors.
- Surgery for tuberculosis of Spine.
- Vertebroplasty andkyphoplasty (strengthening of Spinal Vertebrae by bone Cement) for Osteoporotic fracture and tumour fractures.
- Management and Surgery for Spinal Injury. Spinal injuries can be devastating with life long neurological deficits. A timely and proper neurosurgical intervention alongwith the robust efforts of Physiotherapist and rehabilitation expert can give amazing out comes.
- Surgery for Congenital (by birth) Spinal anomalies like Myelomeningocele, Syringomyelia and host of other anomalies.
- Endoscopic Spine Surgery and MISS ( minimally invasive spine surgery) are the evolving new frontiers.
- Peripheral Nerve Surgery - surgery for nerve injuries, brachial plexus injury, nerve tumours and various nerve entrapment like Carpel tunnel surgery.
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Critical Care
Critical care is a crucial medical specialty caring for patients who are critically ill. The critical care medicine department at our hospital is a combination of many specialties and technologies, offering the possibility of survival for acutely ill patients.
Our 24-hour intensive care unit includes multidisciplinary ICUS as well as ICUS dedicated to post cardiac surgery patients, stroke patients, post-transplant patients, as well as special ICUs for neonates and pediatric cases.
Well maintained wards with high-precision monitoring devices and a team of extremely dedicated critical care professionals are committed to extending personalized care for your complete well-being.
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Surgical Oncologist can provide unique surgical expertise in surgical cases unfamiliar to general surgeons. The Surgical Oncology Department aims at the following:
- Cure or Palliate and improve quality of life emphasizing on multimodal treatment
- Practice evidence based medicine
- To achieve minimal morbidity and near zero mortality which is acceptable by any International norms
- Good preoperative preparation, careful preoperative monitoring and postoperative care
The faculty of Surgical Oncology consists of 8 Senior Consultants in various subspecialities, 10 Consultants, Clinical Assistants in addition to Residents and DNB students.
Surgical Department has 8 major Operation Theatres, 3 Minor OT’s, 28 bedded Postop Ward and Extensive Intra operative and Postop monitoring facilities round the clock. Post Operative care is provided by doctors and expert nurses.
Surgical Oncology Department is a unique Department. For the first time in India, HIFU – Department of Genitourinary Oncology has added High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) for treating organ confined cancer prostate using SONABLATE 500 in an exclusive cancer centre in India. HIFU has very encouraging results and almost nil morbidity.
Robotic Surgery
– Robotic surgical suite has been added in the armamentarium of surgical facilities. The Robotic Da Vinci system is being extensively used for Urological and Gynaecological Surgery, Radical Prostatectomy, Radical Cystectomy with Neobladder, Hysterectomy Wertheims are being performed routinely.
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Invasive Interventional Cardiology
The full range of both diagnostic and therapeutic interventional cardiology procedures is available at Sareen Hospital, with top of the line equipment such as Innova 2100 GE Cath Lab, Bard EP (Electrophysiology) system, IABP systems, to enable the highly qualified and experienced team of Interventional cardiologists deliver world class results keeping patient safety at the forefront.
Diagnostic procedures such as coronary angiography, heart catheterization to study congenital heart defects, aortography, peripheral and renal angiography are being done routinely. Angiography via the radial route (wrist) is also offered for patient comfort and same day discharge.
Therapeutic interventions such as coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stenting, valvuloplasty, closure of heart defects are routinely done. The cath lab is operational 24x7 to cater to any cardiac emergency, especially heart attacks. We have one of the best door to balloon times in the city ensuring fast effective and safe opening of 100% blocked coronary arteries causing the heart attack, (termed as Primary PTCA), and our heart attack treatment program has been awarded recognition for excellence in execution by International forums.
In addition therapeutic interventions in other areas of the vascular tree, such as renal angioplasty, iliac, and femoral angioplasty, carotid and vertebral angioplasty are being done at the Sareen Hospital. Interventions on the aorta for congenital narrowing (coarctation), endovascular treatment of aneurysms of aorta and aortic dissection is also being done.
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Surgical Oncologist can provide unique surgical expertise in surgical cases unfamiliar to general surgeons. The Surgical Oncology Department aims at the following:
- Cure or Palliate and improve quality of life emphasizing on multimodal treatment
- Practice evidence based medicine
- To achieve minimal morbidity and near zero mortality which is acceptable by any International norms
- Good preoperative preparation, careful preoperative monitoring and postoperative care
The faculty of Surgical Oncology consists of 8 Senior Consultants in various subspecialities, 10 Consultants, Clinical Assistants in addition to Residents and DNB students.
Surgical Department has 8 major Operation Theatres, 3 Minor OT’s, 28 bedded Postop Ward and Extensive Intra operative and Postop monitoring facilities round the clock. Post Operative care is provided by doctors and expert nurses.
Surgical Oncology Department is a unique Department. For the first time in India, HIFU – Department of Genitourinary Oncology has added High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) for treating organ confined cancer prostate using SONABLATE 500 in an exclusive cancer centre in India. HIFU has very encouraging results and almost nil morbidity.
Robotic Surgery
– Robotic surgical suite has been added in the armamentarium of surgical facilities. The Robotic Da Vinci system is being extensively used for Urological and Gynaecological Surgery, Radical Prostatectomy, Radical Cystectomy with Neobladder, Hysterectomy Wertheims are being performed routinely.
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Paediatrics is related to the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. It is a wide-range speciality which enables doctors to be generalists who treat children and young people with a vast range of diseases and illnesses. A paediatrician can also specialise in certain medical fields related to children.
To take care of children, a paediatrician will -
- Perform physical exams
- Give the child vaccinations
- Make sure the child meets milestones in growth, behaviour, and skills
- Diagnose and treat the child's infections, illnesses, health problems, and other injuries
- Provide information about the child's health, nutrition, safety as well as fitness needs
- Answer questions about the child’s development and growth
- Refer the child to specialists if they think the child requires expert care
About Paediatricians
A paediatrician is a medical expert with exceptional skills and training in the diseases and illnesses that tend to affect the health and development of infants, children and teenagers. Paediatricians have a vast knowledge of various ailments that can affect children’s health, behaviour, welfare, as well as education. They also understand how different illnesses and conditions relate to each other. Some paediatricians undergo general training while others specialise in areas like neonatology which involves treatment of newborn babies along with extensive newborn care. Other areas include cardiology (heart diseases) or development and behaviour etc.
Why a Child Needs a Paediatrician ?
Some of the reasons why a person should prefer a paediatrician over a family doctor are:
- Paediatricians have special training in children's health.
- Since they only deal with children in their practice, they tend to have a lot of experience in recognising as well as treating childhood illnesses.
- If a child is born early or has a health condition that requires close monitoring, a paediatrician can offer more specialised care as compared to a family doctor.
Max Institute of Paediatrics is one of the finest childcare hospital in the country today “Where Children Come First”. Our state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care units and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) provide care to critically ill children. Our General Paediatrics experts specialise in treating newborn problems, adolescent issues and late-night fevers. The neonatologists treat problems related to prematurity, congenital anomalies, delayed cry at birth and need for special care including ventilation.
We are a one-stop destination for childcare services that include paediatric surgical, paediatric and immunisation services for children up to 16 years. We have a team of experienced paediatricians and paediatric surgeons who specialise in paediatric surgery, paediatric endocrinology, paediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, paediatric pulmonology, paediatric nephrology, paediatric oncology, paediatric hematology, developmental specialist and adolescent paediatrics.
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Advanced Nephro & Kidney care
What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) ?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) or chronic renal disease (CRD) is a gradual and usually permanent loss of kidney function over a period of time. When the kidneys are damaged, they slowly reduce their functionality and stop doing their job over a period of time, and waste builds up in the blood, harming the body. If kidney disease is not treated, it can lead to kidney failure. Once the kidneys fail, a person must either begin dialysis or get a kidney transplant to stay alive. CKD also increases the risk for other problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, anemia, bone disease, impaired vision, infection and walking disabilities.
Who is at risk of CKD?
You are at risk for kidney disease if you have:
- Diabetes
- High Blood pressure
- Heart Disease, or
- Limbs (Gangrene & Non healing wounds)
- A family history of kidney disease
What if I have CKD?
If you are diagnosed with CKD, your doctor will first Determine the level of your kidney function and will then follow nationally recognized clinical practice guidelines to treat and manage your condition. SaveKidneys.com includes recognized patient care practices.
Diabetes is the leading cause of CKD.
Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease and kidney failure across the world, accounting for about half of all new cases of kidney diseases. Diabetes damages the small blood vessels of the kidneys, making it difficult for the kidneys to filter waste and extra fluid from the body. Once you have kidney damage, you can not undo it. But you can slow it down or stop it from getting worse by controlling your diabetes.
High blood pressure and kidney disease go hand in hand.
High blood pressure and kidney disease are said to go hand in hand because they often occur together. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the second leading cause of CKD. It is therefore a significant co-morbidity or result of having kidney disease. High blood pressure is found in more than 80% of patients who reach kidney failure. Work with your doctor to control your blood pressure and slow the progression of kidney disease.
Nephrocare Facilities at Sareen Hospital
We are performing all the nephrologic interventions for the renal compromized patients. The Nephrology department takes care of patients with
- CRF and ARF
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Resistant Hypertension
- Renal Calculus Disease
- Complicated UTIs
- CKD & Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Obstructive Kidney disease
- Immunologically medicated kidney disease
- Conservative Treatment of CRF & ARF
- Renal Biopsy Facility
- Diagnosis and treatment of primary kidney diseases by assessment.
- Outpatient consultancy services
- Pre dialysis and pre transplant care is also co-ordinated.
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General & Laparoscopic Surgeries
Expert treatment for patients who have conditions ranging from hernias and appendicitis to challenging and life-threatening diseases of the lungs, chest, abdomen, liver, stomach and intestines is available in General Surgery at Sareen Hospital. Many procedures can be safely performed on an out-patient basis, allowing the patient to return home the same day after the immediate recovery period.
General Surgery department has a particular focus on minimal access (laparoscopic) surgery. Minimal access surgery is available for the surgical treatment of most abdominal disorders, including hernias, and conditions of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and spleen.
Services Provided
The department provides specialist care in the following super specialities :
- Advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery.
- Benign and malignant diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and intestines.
- Gall bladder diseases and Surgical Jaundice
- Liver, Spleen and Pancreatic Surgery
- Management of anorectal diseases like piles, fissures and fistulas
- Management of Hernias of various kinds (Laparoscopic and Open techniques)
- Benign and Malignant diseases of Breast, Thyroid and Salivary glands
- Advanced vascular surgery of the Aorta, Carotid artery, Peripheral Vascular and vein Surgery
- Thoracic and Thoracoscopic surgery
- Lumps and swellings on the body
- Hi-tech Colour Doppler navigation surgery for varicose veins
- Keyhole varicose vein surgeries and keyhole breast surgeries
- Trauma: Alert and well trained Emergency and Rescue team experts in emergency resuscitation and an excellent ICU with life support systems to facilitate all major trauma surgeries
Treatments and procedures performed in the Department of General Surgery includes the following:
Thyroid & Endocrine Surgeries
- Hemithyroidectomy,
- Total thyroidectomy,
- Completion thyroidectomy,
- Parathyroid, Excision of single parathyroid adenoma, Endoscopic parathyroidectomy, Total parathyroidectomy
- Submandibular gland excision
- Superficial parotidectomy,
- Total parotidectomy,
- Drainage of parotid abscess
Endocrine: Thyroid, Breast, Adrenal Gland Surgeries using micro surgical techniques when required.
Breast Surgeries
Excision biopsy of breast lump, Endoscopic breast lump excision, Breast lump incision biopsy, Wide local excision of breast lump, Wide local excision of breast lump + axillary clearance, Subcutaneous mastectomy, Modified Radical mastectomy, Simple mastectomy, Microdochectomy, Drainage of breast abscess, Endoscopic excision of breast lump
Open inguinal mesh hernioplasty, Mini mesh hernioplasty, Litchenstein mesh repair of inguinal hernia, Anatomical repair of hernia, Onlay mesh repair of hernia, Inguinal herniotomy, Shouldice repair of inguinal hernia, Bassini repair of inguinal hernia, Repair of femoral hernia (preperitoneal approach), Mayo's repair (double breasting) of hernia, Mesh repair of hernia, Abdominoplasty, Parastomal hernia, Mesh repair of spigelian hernia, Mesh repair of incisional hernia, Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia, Laparoscopic intraperitoneal inlay mesh repair, Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia, Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of ventral hernia, Endoscopic total extraperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia, Laparoscopic TEP repair of femoral hernia, Laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh repair, Laparoscopic Mayo?s repair with meshplasty, Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of incisional hernia
- Nephrectomy
- Nephrolithotomy
- Pyelolithotomy, Extended pyelolithotomy
- Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy,
- Ureterolithotomy
- Orchiectomy
- Orchidopexy for undescended testis
- Circumcision
- Excision of hydrocele sac, Debridement of Fournier's gangrene scrotum
- Testicular biopsy
- Vasectomy
- Eversion of hydrocele sac, Excision of epididymal cyst, Excision of haematocele sac,
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy, Laparoscopic pyeloplasty, Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy
- Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy
- Laparoscopic ligation of varicocele
- Laparoscopic orchiectomy, Laparoscopic orchiectomy,
- Laproscopic Urachal Cystectomy
- Open & Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy,
- CBD Exploration
- Open Choledocholithotomy,
- Distal pancreatectomy,
- Cyst-jejunostomy, Cyst-gastrostomy,
- Whipple?s operation
- Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy,
- Radical gastrectomy, Feeding gastrostomy,
- Laparotomy and repair of duodenal ulcer
- Laparotomy with under running of bleeding peptic ulcer pyloric exclusion,
- Lap assisted resection and anastomosis
- Lap repair of small bowel perforation
- Laparoscopic adhesiolysis
- Laparoscopic assisted splenectomy, Laparoscopic Splenectomy,
- Ileostomy, Closure of ileostomy
- Repair of small bowel perforation
- Closure of small bowel perforation
- Feeding jejunostomy, Duodenojejunostomy
- Appendicectomy
- Drainage of appendicular abscess
- Early diagnosis and cosmetically pleasing surgeries for hernias, appendix, hydrocoeles and varicoeles.?
- Ventral Hernias - Lap Treatment
- Incisional Hernia - Lap Treatment
- Lap Appendicectomy
- Gastroenterology: All types of GI Surgery using staplers, lasers and harmonic scalpels for minimal blood loss and tissue damage during surgeries
- Hepatobiliary ? Pancreatic: Liver resections, cholecystectomies for Gall Stones and tumors,
- Pancreatitits treatment, resections and drainage / by pass.
- Spleen Surgeries
Anorectal Surgeries
- Minimal Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoid (MIPH) / Stapled hermorrhoidectomy which is a pain free instant cure for piles superior to laser and cryosurgery and colorectal surgery including Anal Fissures and Fistuale
- Flap repairs for pilonidal sinus
- Biopsies Excision / Incision.
Paediatric Surgeries
- Paediatric Laparotomy
- Keyhole Paediatric Orchildopexy for congenital anomalies
Gynaecological Surgeries
- Lap Ovarian Cyst
- Lap Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Lap Myomectomy
For head injuries, CVA & Spine Injuries
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The Department of Gastroenterology expertises & offers a wide range of inpatient, outpatient and endoscopic services to patients with gastrointestinal,pancreato-biliary and liver diseases.
Upper GI Endoscopy
Upper GI Endoscopy is performed at Sareen Hospital for following Diagnostic & Therapeutic procedures .
- For patients who suffer from gastrointestinal bleeding ,both Banding / injection of esophageal varices and control of bleeding with adrenaline injection or sclerotherapy are routinely performed.
- For patients with swallowing difficulty due to esophageal stricture or achalasia, endoscopic dilatation can be carried out under fluoroscopic guidance. Similarly dilatation of pyloric and colonic strictures can also be carried out. In patients with esaphageal tumours, metallic stent placement is done, after dilatation.
- Endoscopic treatemt of bleeding peptic ulcers
- Endoscopic removal of foreign bodies
- For patients for whom feeding is a problem either due to neurological disorders or altered consciousness levels, endoscopic placement of nasojejunaltube or PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) tube is done.
- Endoscopic removal of gastric / colonic polyps is routinely done.
- Placement of pancreatic stents in patients with severe pain due to chronic calcific pancreatitis is done.
Lower GI Endoscopy
Lower GI Endoscopy (Colonoscopy, Proctosigmoidoscopy & polypectomy) is performed at Sareen Hospital for the Diagnosing and treating the conditions of lower intestinal tract & large bowel.
Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such as endoscopic management of various biliary disorders such as CBD stone extraction, placement of biliary stents, NBD, stricture dilatation. Endoscopic management of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic duct stents is also done in our department.
Medical Gastroenterology
With the use of advanced methods, patients now have more options than ever for the treatment of Hepatobiliary disease. Hepatobiliary diseases like Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis Liver and many others are being handled by efficient Gastroenterologist & medical staff.
Disorders of Pancreas
- Acute & Chronic Pancreatitis
- Pancreatic pseudocyst
- Malignant neoplasms of the pancreas
- Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas
- Pancreatic islet cell tumors
Surgical Gastroenterology
The Gastrointestinal Surgeons manage major GI surgical problems of the intestines, pancreas & hepatobiliary tract including cancers. Minimal Access Surgery techniques are used for many of them.? Major surgeries for benign and malignant conditions of oesophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas are carried out routinely.
Advanced GI Surgical procedures offered at the department include:
Gall Bladder
Gall bladder Surgery is the main thrust area of this department. The various procedures being performed are :
- Cholecystectomy (Gall Bladder Surgery)
- Laparoscopy for CBD Stone Treatment Where ERCP is contraindicated
- Surgery for benign and malignant surgical obstructive jaundice including biliary strictures, CBD stones.
- Choledochal cyst
- Carcinoma of the gall bladder, pancreas and the bile duct.
Post cholecystectomy complications are actively managed. Surgery for ulcerative colitis and complicated gastrointestinal problems:
- Pouch and ileoanal procedures have changed the outlook for ulcerative colitis and now patients can get rid of the disease by surgery with intact anal passage. They do not need a permanent ileostomy.
- Complicated intestinal problems like multiple surgeries, intestinal fistulae etc. are being managed by an expert team.
- Surgery for GI cancers :- All advanced surgeries for GI benign and malignant tumours are being offered.
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Laparotomy and intestinal resections
- Oesophago gastric devascularisation for cirrhotic patients
- Surgery & repair of hernia. Surgery for Hiatus Hernia is another commonly performed procedure
- The other specialty of the centre is that complex Biliary reconstruction surgery for bile duct strictures is performed on par with any other centre in the world with excellent results.
Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic SurgeryAbdomen
Basic Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, appendectomy and other advanced laparoscopic procedures are being performed routinely.
Advanced laparoscopic surgery like colorectal surgery & GI cancer surgery and small bowel surgery are being done.
These major and complicated procedures are possible only due to state of the art operation theatres with all modern amenities and critical care ICUs equipped with the latest monitoring and therapeutic gazettes and a huge infra-structure, complementing the expertise of devoted medical and paramedical personnel.
Hepatic trauma
Portal hypertension (portasystemic shunts)
Carcinoma of the gallbladder
Malignant tumors of the bile duct
Bile duct injuries and strictures
Choledochal cysts
Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis
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Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Sareen Hospital has well established Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics which has state-of-the-art facilities. The Department has achieved remarkable and consistent results in Gynaecological Surgeries & Obstetrics care. The cleanliness of the hospital, its patient-friendly atmosphere and personalized attention from caregivers has resulted in a growing number of patients. Besides world class operation theatres, Sareen Hospital also offers a well - equipped labour room and the specialized care needed for high - risk antenatal cases. We have an array of specialist doctors and surgeons on call, to lend their skills.
Procedures Performed
The Department is equipped to handle all type of gynaecology and obstetric cases.
Special Features
- Infertility clinic for diagnosing and treatment of couples who are unable to conceive.
- Diagnostic Hysterescopic Treatment for Infertility
- Diagnostic facilities like laparoscopy, hysteroscopy to visualize the uterine cavity for infertility, excessive bleeding and amenorrhea.
- Facilities for all major gynaecological surgery like cancer of the uterus or ovary and other tumours of the uterus.
- Modern operation theatres with a well equipped surgical ICU.
- Various treatment modalities are offered for patients with excessive bleeding like
- Medical treatment
- Hysterectomy
- Endometrial ablation
- Facilities for laparoscopic surgery for conditions like ovarian tumour or ectopic pregnancy. This has the advantage of having a small scar, less post operative discomfort and a shorter stay in the hospital.
- Cancer screening clinic for early detection of cancer cervix. Facilities for treatment of precancerous lesions of the cervix like cryotherapy and LEEP.
- Facilities for diagnosis and treatment of problems after menopause.
- Family planning clinic on all days a week with facilities for counseling regarding temporary and permanent methods of contraception.
- To meet the special needs of pregnant women and certain gynaec problems, these clinics are supported by a dietary clinic, yoga for prenatal women and for weight reduction and physiotherapy facilities.
- Antenatal clinic on all days of the week.
- Facilities for high risk pregnancies like heart disease and jaundice in pregnancy
- A well equipped labour ward with specialists on duty 24 hours a day.
- Facilities for continuous monitoring of both mother and baby.
- A well equipped new born intensive care unit to manage all problems like preterm babies and birth asphyxia.
- Special Clinics for problems like bad obstetric history, repeated abortions, genetic problems etc.
All Kind of Obstetric cases including the high risk Obstetric cases like Pregnancy complicated by Hypertension / Diabetics / Cardiac and Other Disease are well managed in our well equipped Labour Room With foetal monitor.
We routinely perform keyhole gynaecological surgeries like
- Hysterectomy
- Cystectomy
- Myomectomy
- Salpingectomy
- Sterilization and Ovarian Cystectomy
All types of open gynaecological surgeries are also performed.
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Urological Surgeries
The Department of Urology at Sareen Hospital offers expert outpatient and inpatient services to those with problem of the urinary tract and male genital tract. The department of urology is equipped with all the latest endo-urological instruments including C Arm for expert management of all elective and emergency urological procedures.
Facilities Available
Complete Minimally Invasive Urinary Stone Management
- Rigid ureteroscopy :
Treatment of ureteric stones of all sizes and location. Stones are broken under vision with the aid of pneumatic or laser energy into small fragments. These procedures are done with minimal morbidity and the patients are discharged in 24 hours. - Retrograde Intrarenal surgery :
Flexible Ureterorenoscope can be passed into the kidney and stones in any location can be fragmented with Laser. Again the hospitalization is 24 hours and the patient can go back to work in 48 hours. This procedure is applicable for smaller renal stones (less than 2 cm) and stones that have failed extracorporeal lithotripsy (ESWL). - PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy)
: Here a small tract is made from the skin into the kidney using Fluroscopy (C-Arm) guidance and stones are fragmented with Pneumatic, ultrasound and Laser energy sources. This procedure is applicable for large renal stones, the procedure carries minimal morbidity and hospitalization is about 48 to 72 hours.
Lower Tract Endourology
All the latest endoscopes and accessories are available to treat Prostates (TURP), Bladder Tumors (TURBT), Urethral Strictures and Bladder stones. All these procedures are again performed with minimal discomfort to the patients and most patients are discharged within 48 to 72 hours.
All open urological procedures like urethroplasty, radical cystectomy, incontince procedures, nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy and renal transplantations are done at Sareen hospital.
Radical Prostatectomy is available for Cancer prostate patients.
Acute Trauma
Trauma can affect the urinary organs and round the clock care is available to deal these situations. Kidney injury, bladder and uerthral rupture are managed on a routine basis.
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ENT, Head & Neck Surgeries
The Department of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery is well-equipped to handle any kind of ENT emergencies and has specialized staff to handle difficult surgical situations. It is equipped with the finest technology and the best manpower to provide the best possible facilities for the patients. It has state-of-the-art facilities for voice disorders, phonosurgery and laryngology. We track the latest developments around the world and imbibe innovative methods for better patient care.
We use the latest operating microscope, sinus endoscopy set and the shaves system for all endonasal procedures along with advanced surgical techniques.
Procedures Performed
We perform all routine ENT procedures like
- Adenoidectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Myringotomy
- Myringoplasty
- Tympanoplasty
- Ossiculaplasty
- Stapedectomy
- Mastoidectomy
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- Microlaryngeal Surgeries
- Sinuscopy
- Rhinoplasty & Septoplasty
- Thyroid Surgeries
- Thyroglossal Fistula
- Superficial & Deep Surgeries of Parotid Glands
- Advanced Micro ear surgeries
In addition, advanced procedures like
- Skull base surgery:-
The diseases affecting skull base include vascular lesions like glomus jugulare, malignant tumors of the temporal bone, infratemporal fossa and paranasal sinuses. - CSF rhinorrhoea repair
- Head and Neck tumours:-
Cancers affecting various regions of the head and neck like face, lips, oral cavity, tonsils, tongue, larynx, thyroid and parotid glands - Plastic surgery of face and nose
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About Chest & TB
We provide Diagnostic and Preventive measures for Chest Diseases .TB can affect any organ system, although manifestations are most commonly related to the chest. Patients of PTB/EPTB also present with fever, loss of appetite and loss of weight, chest pain or dyspnea.
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pressure
- Shortness of breathe
- Tubercolosis Treatment

About Urology
Urology, also known as genitourinary surgery, is the branch of medicine that focuses on surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary-tract system and the male reproductive organs.
- Urologic cancers
- Urinary stone disease
- Male Infertility and Prostate Disease
- Urinary Tract

About Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into two categories. The first is reconstructive surgery which includes craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.
- Chin, Cheek & Jaw Reshaping.
- Lip Augementation
- Nose Reshaping
- Scars Revision

About Orthopedics
Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics, also spelled orthopaedics, is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.
- Arthroscopic surgeries
- Fracture Care
- Arthroplasty.
- Ligaments Reconstructions

About Ear , Nose , Throat
Medical and surgical management and treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck all fall under ENT Issues.
- Hearing impairment
- Chronic nose bleeds
- Breathing problems
- Throat and Neck Problems

About Emergency Services
Hospital open 24 hours having 24x7 hour emergency doctors for rapid emergency response for all clinical situations. Our 24 hour emergency hospital is near to you and is well equipped with latest, international standards medical facilities to provide 24 hour urgent care.
- Ambulance Services
- Operation Theatre
- Emergency Phone no